Tuesday 31 March 2009

Our apartment - Wode gongyu

Women zhu jiu zai Zhong Shan Gong Yuan de qianmian. 
Women zhu zai yi zuo 38 ceng dalou de 21 lou, 2101 hao fangjian.
Wode gongyu you liang ge woshi, liang ge xishoujian, yi ge keting, yi ge shufang he yi ge xiao de chufang.
Women mei you xiyifang, chucangshi he jiujiao suoyi xiyiji zai xishoujian he gongjuxiang zai keting de yigui li.
Women de gongyu bu da danshi hen piaoliang. Ta hen liang he hen anjing, women zhu zai zheli hen shufu.
Cong woshi he chufang wang (to) wai kan you piaoliang de fangjin. Women kandao hen duo shu he hen duo zhongguo ren zai da taiji he tiaowu.
Meitian wanshang zhongguo ren chang karaoke. Tamen hen gaoxing.
Ruguo tianqi hen hao zai wanshang cong keting wang wai kan women keyi kan Jin Mao dasha.
Zui zhongyao de difang shi chufang. Wo hua hen duo shijian zuo fan zai zheli.
Zui zhongyao de baise jiadian shi xiwanji he bingxiang. 
Zui zhongyao de chuiju shi kafeiji he gao ya guo.
Women you hen da de shujia. Shujia shang you sibai duo ben deyu, italiyu, yingyu he hanyu shu.
Women de lingju shi riben ren. tamen hen youhao. tamen de zaoshen ye hen xiao.
Zhi you yi ge bu hao wenti shi zhu zai wo gongyu qianmen de ren chouyan.
Women feichang gaoxing zhu zheli. 

我们住在一座38层大楼的21 楼,2101号房间。
如果天气很好在晚上从客厅王外看我们可以看Jin Mao大厦
我们的邻居是日本人。 他们很有好。他们的zaoshen很小。

Monday 30 March 2009

Today's class and homeworks 2


Recited "Anni shuo" p. 56.

Learnt vocabulary lesson 10.

Read the first dialogue of the lesson 10 今天天气怎么样?

In pairs we have done the exercise nr. 6 p. 65.


We have read the vocabulary and the text of lesson 8 我们的宿舍。

In class we have done exercise 3, 4, 5. 

Homeworks: Exercises 6,7,8,9. 

Thursday 26 March 2009


Mid-term exam:

22/04/2009    8.30    Listening and comprehension
24/04/2009    8.30    Speaking

Mid-term exam:


Last exam:


They say it is not difficult, but you should just not believe it. It is probably not difficult if you learn (a lot).

Today's class and homeworks 1


Read dialogues lesson 9
Dictation of words 

Done exercises 1, 2 p. 57
Recited "Jefu shuo" S. 56

For Mo. next week we have to learn by heart "Anni shuo".


We have reviewed the words of "nature":


We have read the vocabulary and the text of the lesson 8 "Women de sushe 我们的宿舍"

Tuesday 24 March 2009

I live in Shanghai

Zhao Feng Jia Yuan Xiao3qu1 he2 huan1jing

I live in Shanghai.
Wo3 zhu4 zai4 Shang4hai3.  (zhu pronunced like "giu" in Italian)

I live in the Changning District, in the compound Zhao Feng Jia Yuan.
Wo3 zhu4 Chang1ning2 qu1, Zhao4 Feng1 Jia1 Yuan2 xiao3qu1.
我住长宁区, 小曲。

My apartment is situated next to the metro station Zhong Shan Park.
Wo3 jia1 zai1 Zhong1 Shan1 Gong1 Yuan2 di4tie3 zhan4 pang2bian1.

From the subway exit to the compound main entrance you need only 2 minutes walk. 
Cong2 di4tie3 chu1kou3 dao4 xiao3qu1 de da4men zhi3yao4 er2 feng1zhong1.

I live in the building nr. 1, in the apartment 2101.
Wo3 zhu4 zai4 yi1 hao4 lou2, 2101 hao4 fan2jian1.
我住在一号楼, 2101 号翻建。

In the compound people are very friendly and the environment very good.
Zhe4li3 de ren hen3 you3hao3, huan1jing2 ye3 hen3 hao3.

The position of the compound is very convenient. There is a bank, a cinema, shops, restaurants, reading and exercise rooms.
Xiao3qu1 de wei4zhi hen3 fang1bian4. You3 yin2hang2 dian4ying3yuan4, chao1shi4, fan4dian4, yue4 lan3shi4, duo1 gong1nen2ting1.
小曲的位置很房遍。有银汉,电影院,潮湿, 饭店, 阅览室, 多公嫩听。

Xiao3qu1 de wei4zhi
The position of the compound

From here to the Shanghai city center with the taxi or subway you just need 20 minutes.
Cong2 zhe4li3 dao4 Shang4hai3 de cheng2shi4 zhong1xin1 zuo4 chu1zu1che1 haishi ditie ye3 zhi3yao4 20 fen1zhong1.

Shang4hai3 de sheng2huo4
Shanghai's life

I like to live in Shanghai. I got used to Shanghai's life.
wo xi3huan zhu zai Shanghai. Wo yijing xi2guan guo4 Shanghai de sheng1huo4.
我喜欢住在上海。 我已经习惯果上海的生活。

Ci2 xuan2 fu2 lie2 che1 (Maglev - Magnetively Levitated Train)

From Zhong Shan Gong Yuan to Shanghai international airport you need 45 minutes.
Cong2 Zhong1 Shan1 Gong1 Yuan2 dao4 Shang4hai3 de fei1 ji1 chang3 zhi3yao4 45 fen1zhong1.
从中山公园到上海的飞机场只要45 分钟。

First you take the subway to Longyan station, then you take the Maglev, finally you arrive to Pudong Airport.
Shou3xian cheng2 di4tie3 dao4 Long Yan zhan4, ran2hou4 cheng2 ci2 zuan2 fu2, zui4 hou4 wo3 dao4 Pudong fei1ji1 chang3.
首先成地铁到龙岩站, 然后成磁悬浮, 最后我到浦东飞机场。

Monday 23 March 2009

office: useful phrases

I am not in the office.
Wo bu zai gongsi.

I am on a business trip.
Wo chuchai.

I call you later.
Wo deng yihuir da dian hua gei ni.

Can you call me later?
Ni neng deng yihuir da dian hua gei wo ma?

finance terms

statement / bao biao / 报表

budget / yu suan / 预算

evaluate / ping gu / 评估

office terms

email / dianzi youjian / 电子邮件

email address / dianzi youjian dizhi / 电子邮件地址

Internet connection/ lianjie wang / 联接网

Intranet / neilian wang / 内联网

bulletin / baodao / 报道

bulletin / gonggao / 公告

report account / baogao / 报告

company staff / gongsi renyuan / 公司人员

staff member / yuangong / 员工

general manager / fengongsi jingli / 分公司经理

financial staff / caiwu renyuan / 财务人员

logistic staff / houqin renyuan / 后勤人员

sales representatives / xiaoshou renyuan / 销售

human resources  deparment / renli ziyuanbu / 人力资源部

department manager / bumen jingli / 部门经理

project manager / xiangmu jingli / 项目经理

Say it shorter!

ECS, Lesson 8, Exercise 5, p. 52.

我正在作业呢!Wo zheng zai zuo zuo ye ne!

我做着作业!Wo zuozhe zuo ye!

我在做作业!Wo zai zuo zuo ye!

做作业呢!Wo zuo ye ne!

你是谁呀? 请进来!Ni shi shei ya? Qing jin lai!

谁呀? 请进!Shei ya? Qing jin!

我的名字叫安妮。Wo de mingzi jiao Anni.

我叫安妮。Wo jiao Anni.

我在一班, 你们在几班?Wo zai yi ban, nimen zai ji ban?

我在一班, 你呢?Wo zai yi ban, ni ne?

你喝点什么?喝茶还是喝咖啡?Ni he dian shenme? He cha haishi he kafei?

你喝茶还是咖啡?Cha haishi kafei?

Sunday 22 March 2009

Some Chinese basic phrases

Chinese are very happy if you try to speak their language. For the following phrases you do not need to train the tones (which are very difficult in Chinese). Chinese will understand you! Don't be shy and have a go!

Duibuqi? May I disturb you?

Xiexie! Thank you!

Mei guanxi! Your welcome!

Xiansheng... Mister

Taitai... Mrs

Xiaojie... Miss (in a restaurant do not call the waiter xiaojie 
as this means prostitute, call it fuwuyuan)

Duo shao qian? How much is it?

yi, er san, si, wu, 1,2,3,4,5
liu, qi, ba, san, jiu, shi 6,7,8,9,10
yibai, erbai, sanbai,... 100, 200, 300
yiqian 1000

Wo xiang qu...(place) I want to go to... (place)

Tai gui le! Pianyi yidian! Too expensive, make it cheaper!

Fuwuyuan, dian cai!   Waiter, I want the menu.

Fuwuyuan, mai dan! Waiter, I want to pay!

Wo yao fapiao. I need the receipt.

And the last and most important are compliments. You can say:

Ni hen youhao. You are friendly.

Ni hen congming. You are smart.

Jintian ni hen piaoliang.  Today you look beautiful. (This last sentence is usually used from girls to other girls as compliment, but of course even man can use this phrase to make a compliment to a woman. This phrase will open you a lot of doors! You will for example get a cheaper price in a shop if you are nice with the salesgirl.)

Saturday 21 March 2009

chinese poem

yi wang er san li,

yan cun si wu jia,

man qian liu qi shu,

ba jiu shi zhi hua.

A Chinese classical poem by an anonymus person. Chinese children learn to sing this poem at school. I had also to learn it by heart and to recite it in my uni-class ;) I also found a nice recorded version

一望      yi1 wang4 - give a look
       li3 - a Chinese unit of length
       yan1 - smoke from kitchen chimneys
村        cun1 - village
家        jia1 - household
亭台   ting2tai2 - pavilion
座       zuo4 - a Chinese measure word
枝       zhi1 - a Chinese measure word (for flowers)
      hua1 - flowers

Thursday 19 March 2009

Chinese measure words

link to wikipedia entry.
link to a very nice collection of the most relevant measure words.


 ben3   book, magazine


 tiao2  streets, rivers, scarfs, snakes, ...

 zuo4  bridges, moutain, ...


 zhang1  map, table, bed, other flat, rectangular objects



 shuang1  chopsticks, items that necessarily come in pair

 liang4  car, bicycle, wheeled vehicles












ba3 handful - long and flat objects that can be held (knife dao , scissors jiandao, keys yaoshi)

bao1 package - (package cigarettes , cookies)

bei1 cup - (cup water 杯水, tea 杯茶, coffee 杯咖啡) 

chuang2 set (set of blankets chuang maotan 床毛毯, sheets chuang dan 床单)

ci4 time - (twice a week mei xinqi liang ci 每星期量词)

dai bag - (a bag flour)

duo1 flowers

feng1 (letter)

fu2 (piece of art)

wei4 (persons)

Wednesday 18 March 2009

ESC, Lesson 8, Exercise 8, p. 52

With this exercise we have to answer the questions "Do you miss home?", "Why?", "What do you do when you miss home". 

key vocabulary:
miss home/xiang jia/想家
a little/youdianr/有点儿
do exercises/gan lianxi/干联系
listen to music/ting yinyue/听音乐

1. Lai zhonguo yihou, ni xiang jia ma? Wei shenme?

Lai Shanghai yihou wo yizhi hen mang, suoyi wo mei kong xiang jia. Wo you hen duo shiqing (things, matter) yao zuo. Wo yao xiguan Shanghai de huanjing (enviroment), wo yao zhaodao (located) hao de gongyu (apartment), mai hen duo zhongguo chuantong (traditional) dongxi xiang (like) sichou, hua, taoci, deng deng.

来上海以后我一直很忙, 所以我没空想家。 我有很多事情要做。 我要习惯上海的环境,我要找到 好的公寓,买很多中国传统东西象丝绸, 画, 陶瓷, 等等。

2. Xiang jia de shihou, ni gan shenme?
想家的时候, 你干什么?

Ruguo wo xiang jia wo hui ting yidali yinyue, kan yidali dianying he chi yidali cai, dangran (definetely) wo da dianhua gei wode mama.

如果我想家我会听意大利音乐, 看意大利电影和吃意大利菜, 当然 我打电话给我的妈妈。

3. Ni neng tingzhe yinyue zuo lianxi ma? Ni juede zhe yang zuo hao bu hao?
你能听着音乐做练习吗? 你觉得这样做好不好?

Wo de danao bu neng tongshi zuo hen duo shiqing. Wo bu xihuan tingzhe yinyue zuo lianxi. Wo pianxiang ting the sounds of the nature.
我的大脑不能同时 做很多事情。 我不喜欢听着音乐做练习。 我偏向听自然的身影。

4. Ni xihuan he pengyou liaotianr ma?

Wo hen xihuan he pengyou liaotian yinwei meici wo he pengyou zai yiqi wo hen gaoxing. Suoyi wo hua hen duo shijian tongguo skype gen wode aodaliya, aodili, deguo he yidali pengyou liaotian.

before, since, now

Yiqian zai Aodaliya wo xihuan he kafei.
Lai Shanghai yihou wo xiguan he cha.
Xianzai wo feichang xihuan he lu cha.


Yiqian zai yidali wo xihuan chi yidali miantiao.
Lai Shanghai yihou wo xiguan chi mifan.
Xianzai wo feichang xihuan zhongguo cai.


Yiqian zhege difang hen shou huanying.
Liang nian li hen duo ren banjia dao qita difang.
Xianzai hen rongyi zhaodao fangzi.


yiqian, yihou, xianzai

Before/In the past, when I was in England, I liked to drink coffee.
Since I came to China I get used to drink tea.
Now I like Chinese tea a lot.

Yiqian zai Yingguo wo xihuan he kafei.
Lai Zhongguo yihou, xiguan le he cha.
Xianzai wo feichang xihuan Zhongguo cha.


When I was in Italy I liked to eat Italian food.
Since I came to Shanghai I get used to eat Chinese food.
Now I like Chinese food a lot.


German and Chinese - similar syntax? trennbare Verben

Well, I just started my trip in the Chinese language and with surprise I noticed that in a certain way Chinese syntax is similar to the German one. 

How long did you sleep last night?
zuotian wanshang ni shui duo chang shijian jiao?


shuijiao means sleep and it will be separated (shui-jiao) if used with the indication of time.

Yesterday evening I slept two hours.
zuotian wanshang wo shui liang ge xiaoshi jiao.


Thursday 12 March 2009

My Chinese name

the pinyin is mi3kai1la1 (which means rice, triumph, help)

the numbers indicate the tones

the pinyin is an1de2xi (which means good, morality, early morning sunshine)

I must thanks for this name XiaoMing 小明 (a Chinese friend who lives in Australia) who has probably spent a couple of hours to find the appropriate name.